La Mozzarella In Carrozza

Influency: the new app that will grant you a discount if you take a picture of your dish!

La Mozzarella In Carrozza - Influency: the new app that will grant you a discount if you take a picture of your dish!
Taking a picture of our dishes and publishing them on the social network before eating is now our “job”. By the way, if you use Influency to do this you can also get a special discount by all the places that use this app as well. This app has been promoted by the students of Bologna University.

How does it work?
Locations that use this app offer a discount or a free gift if you make a Post or an Ig story (with tag/hashtag and geo localization). They will give you a Qr code through which you can get your discount. With influency, everyone becomes an influencer. “The discount will take into account the number of the followers. Actually, even accounts with 100 follower can use this app.” 

The first city that agrees to this initiative is Bologna but it will be sponsored very soon in the other Italian cities. “We want to spread into other realities so that we can satisfy each request. Bologna is just the starting points. We want our idea to be revolutionary in the world of media social marketing.

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