Left over risotto? Here some tasty and very easy ideas to use it:
- Riso al salto: the recipe is already on line and you can use every kind of risotto. Best risotti for this recipe, however, are saffron risotto and Parmesan risotto. Try the filled version with ham and cheese for a yummy and richer taste!
- Croquettes, arancini, supplì: not only fried but also baked. Once cooled, your risotto will be more “sticky” and you won’t have any difficulty to handle it. And what about the coating? No eggs but a simply water-flour batter in which dipping the rice croquettes!
- Filling for pies: add to your risotto one egg and other ingredients such as bacon, cheese or vegetables...put everything into a puff pastry sheet and bake. Once ready, cut into small cubes and serve for the happy hour!