La Mozzarella In Carrozza

Orecchiette by “Nonna Ninetta”

La Mozzarella In Carrozza - Orecchiette by “Nonna Ninetta”
This is not a simple recipe. Here, we can find love, tradition and, above all, passion. Ingredients are important of course, but what really matters is hearing the story about that recipe. 

“Grandma, who did you teach to make orecchiette?”

“It was my mother!”

“And what about the ingredients?”

“Water, Eggs, oil, flour and salt. Don’t forget love.”

She started in the evening to make the dough, when everyone has gone to bed. “Nobody has to disturb but you can stay here.”

H00:00 the dough
Mix 3 eggs, a pinch of salt, one tablespoon of oil and 1,5 of durum wheat flour in a “tijedda” (large bowl). If necessary, add some water. Start kneading and when elastic and smooth put in a freezer bag and let chill overnight.

H6.00AM Orecchiette
Now, be patient. You need a working surface to flour (more or less 0,5kg of flour). To make an “orecchietta” you need a small amount of dough that you should shape into a little ball of 1cm diameter. Press down the ball with your thumb then transfer it on your index to crest the “ear”. “Aaah”.

Thank you nonna! You probably don’t know that you has made me more passionate and enthusiastic.

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