I still remember the first ring. I had a backpack bigger than me, surrounded by new people and I was tightened my mother’s hand.
Now, Leo is tightening mine. I could understand how he is feeling, I can hear his fears because I was like him: very shy and not interested in public situation. Every time the teacher asked me to go to the blackboard it was a nightmare.
The first day of school has been almost traumatic: I think he was ready to face this new adventure, even because we had chosen everything together, from the pencil case to the smock.
Sometimes, I think that a mother takes many things for granted. Our children, for example, don’t need a new game; they prefer, on the contrary, to spend the afternoon playing with us to an old game never used laying in their room. I had the same sensation once the school has begun: I thought that he had all the necessary but I was wrong. Maybe, we haven’t talk enough.
After two months, you are finally happy to go to school and you can’t wait to tell me what has you learned during your lessons.
Even this time, dear Leo, you has taught me something: maybe nothing new, maybe it was something I’ve already known but I didn’t remember anymore. Thank you because from now, mother’s WhatsApp group and kilometric lists of school materials will have less importance then the time we will spend together.