La Mozzarella In Carrozza

The magnificent 30

La Mozzarella In Carrozza - The magnificent 30
09/08/2018 and thirty candles blown out. I was still thinking about my 18 birthday when "the magnificent 30" suddenly arrive.

They're just number, at the end. People also say that it's not the chronological age that counts. But. Surely I'm not the same 16-year-old girl who went to school every morning on the 225 bus, with the head full of dreams and who firmly believed that she would have changed the world. I have not changed the world yet (lol) but what about those dreams? Well, I think I'm pleased, and not because they all come true. On the contrary, Some of them are still unrealized and I'm really happy about that because it means that I have something to chase, something I can still believe in. No analysis, no grudges. Just a thought: believing more, that means "to trust". A bit less in the miracle creams and much more in people. I wish I can do it, because  some of those creams were not so bad.

Maybe, I had such high expectations and in that case, you knows, the disappointment is behind the corner. Oh, by the way, I want to thank no one but I will be forever grateful to all those people who makes me happy, simply staying next to me.

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